- Baptismal Record: Anna Susan Patz, born on February 19, 1896. Baptized by Fr. Ferdinand Kolb of Saint Boniface R.C. Church, 124 Locust Street, Buffalo, NY, on February 23, 1896. Sponsors were Bernhard and Rose Rebescher.
- Death Certificate: Anna Susan Patz, died on October 4, 1896.
- Death Record: Anna Susan Patz, died on October 4, 1896. Record is from the ledgers of Saint Boniface R.C. Church, 124 Locust Street, Buffalo, NY.
- Interment Record: Anna Susan Patz, died on October 4, 1896. Interred in Lot 2, Sec. YY, United German & French Cemetery (Pine Hill), Cheektowaga, NY.
- Cemetery Map: United German & French Cemetery (Pine Hill), Cheektowaga, NY, showing location of grave of Anna Susan Patz.
- Cemetery Plot Map: Section YY, United German & French Cemetery (Pine Hill), Cheektowaga, NY.