Unbekanntes Familiengeschlecht:
Unknown Relationships

Some members of the family are known only from obscure church records, and their exact relationships remain unknown. So that these individuals not be forgotten, this page is in their honor.

The records are listed chronologically.

  • Johanna Schwert: Church record of the death of Johanna Schwert, died July 30, 1891, age 7 months; interred July 31, 1891. Record is from the death ledger of Saint Boniface R.C. Church, Buffalo, New York. No parentage is indicated.

  • August Schlia: Church record of the death of August Schlia, died July 4, 1898, age 54 years (indicating an approximate birth year of 1844); interred July 6, 1898. Record is from the death ledger of Saint Boniface R.C. Church, 124 Locust Street, Buffalo, New York. No parentage is indicated. "Schlia" is among the spelling variants of the original surname for the "Schlee" family of this lineage. is maintained by Donald P. Schwert, great great grandson of Carl and Veronica (née Modrzejewska) Schwertfeger (Schwert). We seek your assistance in helping us to develop this family history. Correspondence can be mailed to: Donald P. Schwert, 300 Broadway N #204, Fargo, ND, 58102-4720 U.S.A.

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