Family and Descendants of
Spouse: August J. Schlia
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Family portrait of August and Francisca (née Schwertfeger) Schlia / Schlee, probably taken about 1898 in Buffalo, New York. Seated are August and Francisca. On Francisca's lap is Michael. Standing, left-to-right: August ("Gus"), Jr., Francis ("Frank"), and John.
Photo provided by Rita (née Schleer) Penberthy. Click for enlargement (61K). |
Francisca Schwertfeger was born On August 24, 1856, in Mittel-Golmkau, south of Danzig, West Prussia. The village is today Golębiewo-Średnie, Poland. Francisca was a daughter of Carl and Veronica (née Modrzejewska) Schwertfeger. Francisca was baptized as "Francisca Rosalia Schwerdfeger" on August 31, 1856. Witnesses were Johann Philipowski and Caroline Modrzejewska.
On May 12, 1878 at Kladau, West Prussia, Francisca married August J. Schlia. August was born in Lagschau on August 20, 1851. He was the son of Jacob and Anna (née Potrotz) Schlyia (note many variants for surname spellings of these families). The Catholic church ledgers of Kladau show that August was baptized as "August Michael Schlyia" on August 31, 1851. According to John Penberthy (son of Rita [née Schleer] Penberthy and great grandson of August and Francisca), August later in the Prussian army. He lost part of his hand or fingers in battle. On November 5, 1880 in Lagschau, Francisca gave birth to a daughter, Anna Susanna Schlia. With their infant daughter, Francisca and August emigrated to the United States. They departed Hamburg, Germany on March 25, 1881 aboard the S.S. Hamburg. The Hamburg departure records list them as: Traveling with them were Francisca's brother Franz (= "Frank") Carl Schwertfeger, his wife Julianne (= "Julia") (née Schlia) Schwertfeger (a sister to August) and their infant son Johann (= "John"). At Liverpool, England, both familes transferred to the S.S. Canada, arriving in New York City on April 13, 1881. A mis-transcribed passenger manifest lists the Schlias as follows: The same passenger manifest also mistakenly lists the Schwertfegers as "Schwerfegor." The two families settled in Buffalo, New York --- in a German neighborhood known as "The Fruitbelt" due to several of its streets being named after fruit trees. Francisca and August anglicized their names: Francisca became "Frances (née Schwert) Schlee." August became "August J. Schlee." Labels on a photograph imply that yet another sibling, "Mary" Schlia / Schlee, emigrated to the United States; however records of the marriage (June 25, 1890, St. Boniface R.C. Church, Buffalo) of Mary to Bernhart (= "Bernhard") Potratz demonstrate that the maiden name of Mary's mother was "Koschmieder," while the maiden name of the mother for August and Julianna was "Potrotzka." Thus Mary was likely not a direct sibling of August and Julianna. (See further information, below). According to the Buffalo City Directory, August and Francisca resided in 1890 at 248 High Street (white building) -- apparently next door to Johann (John) and Maria (Mary) (née Schwertfeger) Patzke/Patz), who resided at 250 High Street. During their later years, August and Francisca resided at 255 Locust Street (now a vacant lot) in Buffalo, New York. They raised six children. Despite the implications of the 1900 Census, where it states that four of the four existing children still survived, there is an 1895 baptismal record for Jacob Michaëlew Schlia -- apparently a child who did not survive until the 1900 census. August died of pneumonia on June 5, 1923, at the age of 71 (the cemetery records state that he died on June 6th). Francisca died of pneumonia on May 17, 1936, at the age of 79. At the time of her death, she resided at 375 Florida Street in Buffalo (the street address on her interment record is in error). Both Francisca and August are interred in Lot 112, Sec. 8C, United German & French Cemetery (Pine Hill) in Cheektowaga, NY.
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Left-to-right: Francisca (née Schwertfeger/Schwert) Schlia/Schlee, Julianna (née Schlia) Schwertfeger/Schwert, Rev. Johann (John) Bernard Schwertfeger/Schwert, Grace Elizabeth Mary, Franz Carl Schwertfeger/Schwert, and Johann (John) Schwertfeger/Schwert. This photo appeared in the Buffalo Evening News, which reported "Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schwert of 115 Nevada Street celebrated their golden wedding at which their son, the Rev. John B. Schwert of St. James Church, officiated. The original witnesses, Mr. Schwert's brother John, and his sister, Mrs. Frances Schlee, were present." (1928)
(Click on photo for enlargement, 64K) |
Parents of Francisca (née Schwertfeger/ Schwert) Schlia/Schlee: |
Descendants of Francisca (née Schwertfeger / Schwert) and August Schlia / Schlee: |
General location of the gravesites of Francisca (née Schwertfeger/Schwert) and August Schlia/Schlee, Lot 112, Sec. 8C, United German & French Cemetery, Cheektowaga, NY. A map to the gravesite is available here.
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Documents and Other Artifacts: |
---| is maintained by Donald P. Schwert, great great grandson of Carl and Veronica (née Modrzejewska) Schwertfeger (Schwert). We seek your assistance in helping us to develop this family history. Correspondence can be mailed to: Donald P. Schwert, 300 Broadway N #204, Fargo, ND, 58102-4720 U.S.A.
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